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Posts tagged as “FMLA”

Families First Coronavirus Response Act Explained


With the passage of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, two new refundable payroll tax credits are available to employers with fewer than 500 employees.  These refundable credits are designed to fully reimburse them, dollar-for-dollar, for the cost of providing Coronavirus-related leave to their employees.  The Act allows two paid leaves for the employee’s own health needs or the care of family members.  This will enable employers to keep their employees on payroll and ensure that employees are not forced to choose between their paycheck and the public wellbeing.   Emergency Paid Sick Leave                 Companies with fewer than 500 employees,…

New Tax Credit for Employers Offering Paid Leave


When the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was signed into law back in December 2017, it included Section 45S to the IRS Code which includes a credit for employers who pay for family and medical leave.  The credit is a percentage of the amount of wages paid to a qualifying employee while on leave for up to 12 weeks per taxable year.  The minimum percentage is 12.5% and is increased by .25% for each percentage point by which the amount paid to a qualifying employee exceeds 50% of the employee’s wages, with a maximum credit of 25% (for employers that…