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Posts tagged as “fingerprint”

Biometric Technology and Data Privacy Laws


There has been an increase in biometric privacy class action lawsuits, which should bring concerns to employers. First and foremost, what is biometric data? Biometric data refers to any data that identifies or is related to an individual’s physical, physiological or behavioral characteristics, such as fingerprints, iris scans, facial recognition, hand recognition, voice recognition, DNA or any other unique biological information. With the rise of biometric technologies, concerns over the privacy and security of biometric data have become increasingly important. Securing an employee’s biometric data should be held in the same regard, if not higher, as other data, such as…

Biometric Timeclock Considerations


A biometric recognition timeclock is a great way to assure that the employee who is ‘on the clock’ is actually the one on-site and performing work, as it utilizes a part of the person’s body as their verification.  In mainstream practice, I find two main types of biometric clocks; hand recognition and fingerprint recognition.  In this article, I will discuss a few pros and cons, and how reliable they are in making a positive id. First up is hand recognition.  The device is the HandPunch clock which reads the unique geometry of each person’s hand.  Contrary to popular belief, it…