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Posts published in “Tax”

Employee Retention Tax Credit Processing Update – Most Serious Problem


Each year in January, the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) presents its annual report to Congress, consisting of a summary of the ten most serious problems encountered by taxpayers each year. It may not be any surprise to those waiting for their Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERC) refund, but the most serious problems reported for this year are the IRS delays, inefficiencies and lack of transparency in their processing of these claims. Created in 1996 by Congress, the TAS is an independent organization within the IRS; their job is to ensure that every taxpayer is treated fairly under the Taxpayer Bill…

Handy Guide to the 2024 Form W-2


Over the next few weeks, as your employees start to receive their 2024 W-2 form, they will likely have questions as to what all those numbers mean.  For example, it is not uncommon for a salaried employee who earns a salary of $50,000 per year question why their Box 1 Wages only reflects $45,000.  Did they get underpaid? Probably not. If the employee contributes to a pension plan (aka 401(k)) or has pre-tax insurance deductions, then those amounts reduces the “taxable” wage, which is what appears in Box 1. Some employees may also wonder why their Federal Income Tax withheld…

2024 FUTA Credit Reduction States Announced


Under the provisions of the American Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA), a Federal tax is levied on employers covered by the Unemployment Insurance program at a current rate of 6.0% on wages up to $7,000 a year paid to a worker. The law, however, provides a credit against federal tax liability of up to 5.4% to employers who pay state taxes timely under an approved state UI program. Accordingly, in states meeting the specified requirements, employers pay an effective Federal tax of 0.6%, or a maximum of $42 per covered worker, per year. The credit against the Federal tax may…

Tax Protestors. Don’t Get Caught Up in Their False Claims


Did you hire someone who is giving you pushback on submitting a W-4 form, or maybe they even presented you with a little-known tax form stating that they do not pay taxes? If so, you may have hired a tax protestor. No need to panic; you may be able to talk some sense into them. Tax protestors could simply be misinformed individuals, and with social media exposure, that is easy to come by. I have seen TikTok videos, X posts, YouTube and the like, falsely leading people down this path. They claim that taxation is voluntary, does not apply to…

ERC Processing Update


There is a fair amount of activity with the IRS-processing Employee Retention (Tax) Credit (ERC) refunds with two announcements this past month.  I would call it good news for those who have legitimate claims and bad news for those who filed a not-so-legitimate claim.  Actually, not all bad news for the not-so-legitimate claim group. The IRS has reopened the Voluntary Disclosure Program (VDP), which will run through November 22, 2024.  As you may recall, this was started earlier this year whereby the IRS allowed you to revoke your claim and return any funds you believe were improperly claimed, keeping 20%…

IRS Communicates a Strategy for Clearing Their ERC Backlog


Multiple lawsuits have been filed against the IRS, alleging that their lengthy processing time for ERC claims is violating their rights, including one to stop the moratorium that was imposed on new filings made after September 14, 2023.  In recent IRS responses to these lawsuits, we have learned new information on how they intend to clear their backlog of 1.4+ million returns they have had as of May 18, 2024.  880,000 of those returns were filed before the moratorium on September 14, 2023, so in essence, the fact there is a moratorium at all, those returns received after that date…

Implementing a 401(k) Plan is Now a Win-Win. Free Money for Business Owners and their Employees.


They say timing is everything, and if there were ever a time to implement a 401(k) plan, the time is now. We first wrote about the Secure Act 2.0, in this post back in February 2023, a short time after it was signed into law by President Biden. One of the best parts of this act is that the government wants to give business owners money to start a plan AND even better, they want to give you money to give to your employees. This is accomplished in three different tax credits to small business owners, as covered below. Let’s…

State Minimum Wage Increases 2024


While the Federal minimum wage remains at $7.25 per hour for the past 15 years, 28 states and many cities, counties and locals have set increases effective January 1st, 2024 with a few announcing a change during 2024.  Many states continue their path to $15.00 per hour with a number of states exceeding that rate and places in Washington state that have a minimum wage approaching $20 per hour.  A list of each state/local, along with the new hourly rate is listed below. Any state that does not have a minimum wage change scheduled is not listed. All rates are…

Handy Guide to the 2023 Form W-2


Over the next few weeks, as your employees start to receive their 2023 W-2 form, they will likely have questions as to what all those numbers mean.  For example, it is not uncommon for a salaried employee who earns $50,000 per year question why their Box 1 Wages only reflects $45,000.  Did they get underpaid? Probably not. If the employee contributes to a pension plan (aka 401(k)) or has pre-tax insurance deductions, then those amounts reduces the “taxable” wage, which is what appears in Box 1. Some employees may also wonder why their Federal Income Tax withheld is much less…