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Posts published in June 2024

IRS Communicates a Strategy for Clearing Their ERC Backlog


Multiple lawsuits have been filed against the IRS, alleging that their lengthy processing time for ERC claims is violating their rights, including one to stop the moratorium that was imposed on new filings made after September 14, 2023.  In recent IRS responses to these lawsuits, we have learned new information on how they intend to clear their backlog of 1.4+ million returns they have had as of May 18, 2024.  880,000 of those returns were filed before the moratorium on September 14, 2023, so in essence, the fact there is a moratorium at all, those returns received after that date…

New Salary Minimum Wage to Impact Four Million Workers


While there are regular updates to the minimum wage for hourly employees, at least on the state level, changes to the minimum salary for Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) exempt employees are not as common. Looking back twenty years ago to 2004, the minimum weekly salary for a FLSA exempt employee was only $445. In 2016, President Obama attempted to double that weekly amount to $913, but a federal judge blocked it just days before it was to take effect. It was ultimately increased to $684, effective January 1, 2020, where it currently stands. As of July 1, 2024, the…